czech english

Robotour 2017

autonomous and service zones

The 12th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Slovakia/Žilina. There will be several changes in the rules this year: the concurrent start of all robots is no longer required and new autonomous and service areas are introduced. When and where? Žilina, 16th September 2017.

Robotour 2017 - Workshop — team presentations + PAIR'17 conference
On Sunday there is always a workshop of all teams after the contest. They share their findings what worked and what did not, what is in reality inside of their smart robots, how they liked the new rules etc. This year we were recording so although it is not the top quality you can see and hear what was presented.

Results — Cogito team is the winner of Robotour 2017!
Twelfth year of Robotour contest introduced new „delivery” rules, which we had to tweak a little bit on the way to Žilina and also during the competition. After that the satisfaction was both on the side of teams as well as organizers. And who managed the latest task the best? The team which tested the most … Czech/Swiss team Cogito! (Update 20/9: added new links and videos)

Pozvánka do Žiliny — Robotour 2017 (podruhé na Slovensku)
Dne 16. září 2017 se koná v Žilině v parku Ľudovíta Štúra již dvanáctý ročník mezinárodní soutěže autonomních outdoor robotů „Robotour - outdoor delivery challenge”. Jednotlivé starty všech robotů budou v 10:00, 11:30, 14:00 a 16:00. Můžete se těšit na více jak deset soutěžících autonomních robotů. V neděli 17. září 2017 je pak v prostorách Žilinské univerzity workshop týmů a konference PAIR'17 (v angličtině) přístupný veřejnosti.

Introduction of teams — BII, MRVT, Robosoft, Legendary Rover, Mota Seto ...
There are 15 registered teams for Robotour 2017 which will take place in Slovakia (Žilina) on 16th of September 2017. The list is an interesting mixture of old, new and „renovated” teams, for which was the far contest location the last blocking point. We can again look forward to see participants from Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Switzerland.

Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2017 will be the same as previous year. Besides a short hardware/software description we also require a YouTube video, that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration dead-line is 31st of July 2017.


The rules for Robotour 2017 are slightly different compared to the last years. In particular the concurrent start of all robots at given time will no longer be enforced. Exact start location will change to boundary of autonomous area, and it will be up to the teams where and when exactly they will start. The task will be to go to loading zone, where beer barrel will be manually or automatically loaded, and then deliver the payload to desired destination (unloading zone). After unloading (again manual or automatic) the robot has to leave the autonomous zone.
For each sub-task team gets one point, and extra bonus is for autonomous load/unload. In total 5 points per run/delivery request.
The detail rules are available on GitHub with tag ROBOTOUR2017: English. and Czech

Examples of roads in Žilina (Ľudovít Štúr park)


The contest will take place primary in park of Ľudovít Štúr.
overview map
overview map

If you would like to somehow support this contest or you have some comments/question, please use our standard contact form.