Field Robot Event
navigation in maize
Field Robot Event is outdoor contest of autonomous robots. Motivation is from agriculture while the origin is rather academic. The task for robots is to quickly navigate in a real maize field without damage of plants. The contest is international and travel around Europe. This year contest will take place at Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany on 17th-19th June 2014.
Field Robot 2025 — Milano, Italy
Field Robot Event 2025 (FRE2025) will take place in Milano, Italy, from June 9 to June 12, 2025, at Agriturismo da Pippo.
This competition is open to universities worldwide, offering a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of autonomous farming and agricultural robotics.
Field Robot 2015 — FireAnt, Eduro a robotický cirkus
Letos jsme se soutěže Field Robot Event účastnili hned se dvěma roboty:
Eduro a FireAnt. Chodící robot byla spíše taková provokace, která měla připoutat
pozornost a ukázat, že polní robot může vypadat docela jinak. Eduro pak byla
„osvědčená záloha”. Oba roboti svůj osud naplnili a tak jsme do Prahy
přivezli i nějaké medaile …
Field Robot 2013 — 11th year, this time in Prague!
The contest Field Robot Event 2013 will take place in Prague/Czech Republic for
the first time. The main organizer will be Czech University of Life Sciences
Prague (ČZU). The contest dates are 27th-29th June 2013, and the place will be
very close to university grounds, i.e. Kamycka 129, Prague 6 - Suchdol.
Registration extended until May 15th!
Field Robot 2012 — desátý ročník v růžích na Floriade
Soutěž Field Robot Event letos oslavila desáté výročí a to celkem grandiózně.
Místem konání byla výstava Floriade ve Venlo/Holandsko, která se pořádá pouze
jednou za deset let. Účastnilo se jí 18 týmů z celé Evropy a kukuřici
nahradily růže, kterých bylo celkem 4000! Naše účast byla podobná té z roku
2010 — ve spolupráci s Českou zemědělskou univerzitou Eduro Team vyhrál
nejtěžší kategorii a druhý den i soutěž založenou na spolupráci s jiným týmem.
Field Robot 2010 — maize silver travels to Czech Republic
This year cooperation with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was surely
worth it. Overall second place for Eduro Team and four maize „cups” shared
together with another Czech team Cogito MART are hopefully self-explaining
. What hardware, software and strategy we used this year, you can learn from
this article …
Field Robot 2009 — competition of robots in maize field
In order to extend our robotic horizons we participated in Field Robot Event
(FRE) contest. The motivation for this contest is automated agricultural
machinery. There are four categories/tasks: navigation (pass through curved
rows of maize), advanced navigation (extra transitions between straight rows
of various length), weed control (spay randomly dropped green golf balls/weeds
in the row as precise as possible) and free-style (show something interesting
related to agriculture topic).