DARPA Subterranean Challenge
podzemní týmová robotika
Je čas dělat „podzemní robotiku”, minimálně DARPA (americká armáda) si to myslí. První cena v nové SubT Challange jsou 2 milióny USD a již se neomezuje pouze na američany. Vedle Systems kategorie, kde se očekává netriviální kombinace mnoha mapovacích robotů zvládající náročné podmínky v podzemí, je k dispozici i Virtual kategorie, online v simulátoru Gazebo 11.
SubT pravidla — podzemní týmová robotika
SubT Challenge je rozvržená na 3 roky (Final Event - August 2021) a skládá
se ze tří různých prostředí: Tunnel Circuit, Urban Circuit a Cave
Circuit. Cílem robotů je jednak mapovat předem neznámé prostředí a dále
lokalizovat různé předměty (artefakty) a reportovat jejich pozici. Hodnocena
bude jak přesnost lokalizace, tak dostatečná včasnost reportu.
Předehra — Robík, Eduro, ROS a OSGAR
Je čas dělat „podzemní robotiku”, minimálně DARPA (americká armáda) si to
myslí. První cena v nové SubT Challange jsou 2 milióny USD a již se
neomezuje pouze na američany. Vedle Systems kategorie, kde se očekává
netriviální kombinace mnoha mapovacích robotů zvládající náročné podmínky v
podzemí, je k dispozici i Virtual kategorie, online v simulátoru Gazebo
11. Update: 18/1/2019 —
STIX Qualification
SubT STIX in Ten Weeks — Robotika.cz Team
DAPRA organizes training rounds called STIX (SubT Integration Exercise), where
the first one is in April 2019 in Colorado. Although the STIX is for System
Track only we plan to work simultaneously also on Virtual Track. This is
English blog for the next three months … Update: 20/5/2019 —
CERBEROS and CRAS videos from Colorado
SubT Tunnel Circuit — Robotika Team
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge is headed to Pittsburgh for the Tunnel
Circuit, the first scored Challenge Event, in August from the 15th-22nd.
Qualified teams will attempt to navigate a former operational mine in
Pittsburgh, PA. … Update: 16/9/2019 —
Photos Day 4
SubT Virtual Tunnel Circuit — Robotika Team
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge Virtual Tunnel Circuit was postponed from
August till October 2019, so we decided to split the original Circuit
Tunnel report into two. Update: 3/11/2019 —
Robotika Virtual Videos
SubT Urban Circuit — Robotika Team
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit is the 2nd stage of two years
project. The expected event date is February 2020.
Update: 3/3/2020 —
The Artifacts
SubT Virtual Urban Circuit — Robotika Team
In parallel with System Track Urban Circuit starts also Virtual Track.
This time we will keep two separate threads/blogs although they are connected
— one team Robotika. While System Track is still "big unknown" for
Virtual Track is already qualification world prepared, so let's have a look …
Update: 5/3/2020 —
Virtual Urban Worlds
SubT Virtual Cave Circuit — Robotika Team
Cave is the last of three training Circuits before the finals in 2021
(if everything goes well). The environment is interesting of variable 3D
terrain and combination of huge and narrow openings. Update: 17/11/2020 —
Final Results!
SubT Cave Circuit — Robotika Team
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge Cave Circuit is the 3rd (and the last) stage of two years
project. The expected event date will be no earlier than October 2020.
Update: 9/12/2020 —
Cave Environment Preview
SubT Finals — Robotika Team
After three years of development, DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge teams will
get the chance to compete in the Final Event being held at the Louisville
Mega Cavern in Louisville, Kentucky on September 21-23, 2021.
All teams have to re-qualify for both System and Virtual competition.
Is Robotika Team going to be one of the 15 System teams and
10 Virtual teams? Update: 30/11/2021 —
Invitation to DARPA SubT Summit 2021 and webinar