czech english

Robotour outdoor delivery challenge

Robotour — outdoor delivery challenge, is originally Czech contest of autonomous robots navigating on paved park roads. Robots carrying payload (five liter barrel) get extra points. The contest is annual on falls. The first year was in 2006 in Prague, park Stromovka. The next contest will be on 18th of September 2021 in Bratislava/Slovakia.

Robotour 2024 — castle park Buchlovice
The nineteenth year of the outdoor autonomous robot competition will be held 14. September 2024 in Buchlovice Castle Park. You can go to a beautiful park an entrance fee applies, but it can also be combined with a visit to the castle. The competition is accessible the public. Update: 9/9/2024 - !! Action canceled !!

Robotour Marathon 5km — testovací výzva
Robotour Marathon je doplňková disciplina k podzimní Robotour. Je pro ni hned několik motivací, kde pravděpodobně první je zvýšení úrovně testování jednotlivých týmů. To zároveň odpovídá úrovni spolehlivosti robotů v Robotour soutěži. A navíc to umožňuje srovnání různých týmů z celého světa. Update: 9/1/2024 Istrobotics 1.32 km/29:15

Robotour Marathon 2023 — testovací výzva
Robotour Marathon je doplňková disciplina k podzimní Robotour. Je pro ni hned několik motivací, kde pravděpodobně první je zvýšení úrovně testování jednotlivých týmů. To zároveň odpovídá úrovni spolehlivosti robotů v Robotour soutěži. A navíc to umožňuje srovnání různých týmů z celého světa po dobu celého roku. Update 4/1/2024: Vítěz roku 2023 je ARBot! (4.09 km)

Robotour 2023 — multiple delivery - Piešťany/Slovakia
The 18th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in the city park of Piešťany in Slovakia on 30th September 2023. Note, that there is a minor rules update, that robots can deliver payload multiple times. There will be 4 rounds at 10, 11:30, 14:30 and 16:00. Update: 1/10/2023 — A short summary

Robotour 2022 — Czech Republic - Vrchlabí
The 17th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in the garden of castle Vrchlabí in Czech Republic on 17th September 2022. There are 5 teams registered (CZ, DE, SK) and "registration" is still open. The park is open to public and there will be 4 rounds as previous years (at 10, 11:30, 14 and 15:30). Update: 19/10/2022 — Webinar Video

Robotour 2021 — Bratislava/Slovakia
The 16th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in one of the parks in Bratislava/Slovakia. The contest will be organized by and it take place on 18th September 2021. Update: 2/2/2022 - Robotour minikonferencia (video)

Robotour Marathon 2021 — testing challenge IV.
Robotour Marathon is a discipline helping teams to prepare to hard Robotour contest held typically in September. The first marathon confirmed that the best 3 teams already participated and tested their robots in complex environments. Update: ARBot 1.28 km

Robotour 2020 — testing in the post-apocalyptic location
The 15th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in closed area without access for general public. The location is „secret”, not far from Prague (appox. 40km). The contest will take place on 19th September 2020. (The event was canceled)

Robotour Marathon 2020 — testing challenge III.
Robotour Marathon is a discipline helping teams to prepare to hard Robotour contest held typically in September. The first marathon confirmed that the best 3 teams already participated and tested their robots in complex environments. Second year monthly scoring scheme was introduced. Any plans for 2020? (Update 14/1/2021: Robotour mini-conference online (2021-02-03 17:30-19:00))

Robotour 2019 — in memory of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Kupris
The 14th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in parks in Deggendorf/Germany. This year will be dedicated to professor Gerald Kupris who left us for ever at the end of January 2019. Gerald was the main robotics support at Technishe Hochschule Deggendorf and also a Robotour organizer. When and where will the contest take place? Deggendorf, 14th September 2019.

Robotour Marathon 2019 — testing challenge II.
Robotour Marathon is a new discipline helping teams to prepare to hard Robotour contest held typically in September. The first marathon confirmed that the best 3 teams already participated and tested their robots in complex environments. Note, that there is a new monthly scoring scheme for year 2019. (Update 12/9: ARBot 1272m)

Robotour 2018 — QR-codes
The 13th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Lednice/Czech Republic. There will be several changes in the rules this year: the automatic loading and unloading will be no longer for extra points, QR-codes will be introduced to specify next location and robot can request preliminary task termination to avoid penalty for leaving the road. The autonomous, service and semi-autonomous zones remain the same as last year. When and where? Lednice, 15th September 2018. (Update 12/9/2018 added link to

Robotour Marathon 2017/18 — testing challenge
Robotour Marathon is a new discipline starting in season 2017/18. There are several motivations for this new challenge, where probably the first one is to improve level of testing = level of robot realiability in Robotour contest. Moreover it provides comparison of different teams around the whole world over the year. (Update 10/9: JECC Fesl 4182m)

Robotour 2017 — autonomous and service zones
The 12th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Slovakia/Žilina. There will be several changes in the rules this year: the concurrent start of all robots is no longer required and new autonomous and service areas are introduced. When and where? Žilina, 16th September 2017.

Robotour 2016 — automatic loading and unloading
The 11th year of Robotour contest of autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Germany — the last unvisited neighbour of the origin country. New are extra bonus points for automatic payload loading at start position and unloading at goal position. Moreover some contestants could be excited about lower payload requirements when automatic loading is used. Note, that this is an optional feature and thus robots from previous years can be used without any modification. The contest will take place on 17th September 2016 in Deggendorf as part of „Czech-Bavarian week”.

Robotour 2015 — the best at the end
This year is already 10th anniversary (!) of Robotour contest. We decided to organize it in Písek this time. Radioklub Písek opens the outdoor robotic season with „Robotem rovně” and this year it will also close with „Robotour”. The contest will be in parallel with „Beer celebrations”. Exact place in Písek will be specified later. And the date is 5th September 2015. (Update: location details)

Robotour 2014 — the convoy security drones
The Beer is a precious article. There will be a convoy of small autonomous robots, as previous years, but this time they will get air force support. More over Robotour travels to Pilsen/Czech Republic (Borsky Park), origin of Pilsen Urqele. When? 20th Semptember 2014. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.

Robotour 2013 — the journey there and back again
The eight year of contest of autonomous robots will travel to Poland/Lodz and it will take place on 21st of September 2013 (!date change!). The basic rules remain the same. The changes are only in extension of time limit to 1 hour and if the robot reaches the goal, which is something nobody achieved yet, then after signal it can get extra points for returning back to the start.

Robotour 2012 — video pre-homologation
The seventh year of contest of autonomous robots will take place in Czech Republic on 15th of September 2012. The rules remain the same as previous year in Vienna: robots will get the goal position and a map. All robots will start concurrently. Also the payload (a five liter barrel of beer) is mandatory as previous year.

Robotour 2011 — mandatory payload
Sixth year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held on 17th September 2011. It will take place in Austria in one of the preselected parks (Türkenschanzpark) in Vienna. Similarly to last year robots will get only map and coordinates of destination. The start will be again concurrent for all robots. For the first time the payload (five liter barrel) will be mandatory.

Robotour 2010 — concurent start, navigation to destination
Fifth year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held on 18th September 2010. It will take place in Slovakia in one of the preselected parks in Bratislava. In contrast to previous years robots will get only map and coordinates of destination. Note, that robots will not know their exact starting position and interaction with operator will be reduced to entering destination. Robot successfully solving this task should be able to demonstrate its navigation in any park with corresponding map.

Robotour 2009 — start from unknown position
The fourth year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held in park Lužánky, Brno. Besides the new location the novelty is simultaneous start of all robots from unknown positions. More space will be also dedicated to „free style” category. From previous years remains obstacle avoidance, payload delivery and the possibility of robot cooperation. Each team can again deploy up to 3 machines.

Robotour 2008 — obstacles avoidance
The third year of an autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held again in park Stromovka, Prague. In comparison to the previous years the robots should be more autonomous while traveling on the paved park roads (no manual intervention allowed this time) and while avoiding or at least detecting obstacles (this was previously not required). Extra points for carrying payload and cooperation of up to three robots in one team remain form previous years.

Robotour 2007 — payload delivery, robot cooperation
The second year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held again in park Stromovka, Prague. The task for year 2007 is payload delivery. A new feature this year is the possibility of robot cooperation. Each team can deploy several (up to 3) machines.

Robotour 2006 — outdoor challenge
To the occasion of the fifth anniversary of we have decided to organize a new competition for autonomous robots with a working name Robotour. It will be held in October 14th, 2006 in park Stromovka in Prague, Czech Republic. The goal of the robots will be to travel a given route of the park's passage ways. Emphasis will be on the robustness and reliability of the robots built with minimal expenses.