czech english

Robotour 2024

castle park Buchlovice

The nineteenth year of the outdoor autonomous robot competition will be held 14. September 2024 in Buchlovice Castle Park. You can go to a beautiful park an entrance fee applies, but it can also be combined with a visit to the castle. The competition is accessible the public. Update: 3/7/2024 - registration opened

Automatic translation by Google translate


The rules are the same as last year and can be found on GitHub with the tag ROBOTOUR2023RC1: czech and english.


The competition will take place in the castle park Buchlovice.


As in the last years, please send by the end of July 2024 an email to the address with the subject Robotour 2024 - team name. If the robot is new, add a more detailed HW/SW description. Part of the registration is a link to this year's YouTube video with the title ROBOTOUR 2024 REGISTRATION - team name, proving that your robot (still) works. Ride 10m after path, obstacle detection, Emergency STOP button functionality.

Registered teams


If you want to support the competition in any way or have any additions/questions, so please contact us using the contact form.