Robotour 2013
the journey there and back again
The eight year of contest of autonomous robots will travel to Poland/Lodz and it will take place on 21st of September 2013 (!date change!). The basic rules remain the same. The changes are only in extension of time limit to 1 hour and if the robot reaches the goal, which is something nobody achieved yet, then after signal it can get extra points for returning back to the start.
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Results and future plans — ARBot is the winner of Polish Robotour
This was almost the last Robotour (Poland/Łódź) , due to insufficient interest.
At the end 9 registered teams arrived, 8 were on Saturday in the park and 7
bravely competed and explored Park Poniatowskiego. It was hard to believe that
after the heavy rain on Friday Saturday would be beautiful for the whole day
… and it was, so nice weather for 8th time!
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Pozvánka a představení týmů — aneb Robotour stále žije!
Přiznám se, že jsem letos měl nemalé pochybnosti, zda Robotour v polské Lodži
vůbec bude. Je to poměrně daleko a spousta týmů už loni na workshopu naznačila,
že se do Polska nechystá. Jak dopadla registrace? 10 týmů ze čtyř zemí .
Kdy a kde je můžete vidět? Sobota 10-17, 21. září 2013, Park Poniatowskiego,
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Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2013 will be the same as previous year.
Besides a short hardware/software description we require also a YouTube video,
that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration dead-line
is moved back to mid summer, i.e. 31th of July 2013.