czech english

Robotour 2019

in memory of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Kupris

The 14th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in parks in Deggendorf/Germany. This year will be dedicated to professor Gerald Kupris who left us for ever at the end of January 2019. Gerald was the main robotics support at Technishe Hochschule Deggendorf and also a Robotour organizer. When and where will the contest take place? Deggendorf, 14th September 2019.

Results — JECC Fesl is the winner of Robotour 2019!
The 14th year of Robotour contest took place in Deggendorf/Germany again (last time it was in 2016).The team JECC Fesl from Germany won for the second time in row, this year with a new robot! Update 24/9: Media

Teams and Invitation — only veterans are going to wet country
Do you remember Robotour 2016 in Deggendorf? It was poring rain all day long. Maybe it is the reason why only veteran teams are coming this year. There are 8 of them: 3 German, 3 Czech and 2 Slovak teams. You can see them already this weekend 14th of September 2019 near the THD campus. Starts are planned for 9:30, 11:00, 13:30 and 15:00.

Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2019 will be the same as previous year. Besides a short hardware/software description we also require a YouTube video, that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration deadline is 31st of July 2019.


There is only one minor change in the rules for Robotour 2019:
  • 1 point for the first entry of autonomous area
The detail rules are available on GitHub with tag ROBOTOUR2019RC1: English. and Czech


The contest will take place in several neighbor locations, see the map.
map overview
map overview
The base will be in Technishe Hochschule Deggendorf, part of the contest in Donaupark, and also in Stadthallenpark, Stadtpark and finally on the university campus ground.

If you would like to somehow support this contest or you have some comments/question, please use our standard contact form.