czech english

Robotour 2020

testing in the post-apocalyptic location

The 15th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in closed area without access for general public. The location is „secret”, not far from Prague (appox. 40km). The contest will take place on 19th September 2020. (The event was canceled)

Představení týmů — zbývá měsíc do soutěže ...
Na Robotour 2020, která se bude konat 19. září 2020 na uzavřeném prostoru bývalé raketové základny, se přihlásilo 14 robotů. Některé týmy dorazí s více roboty (tj. mají více sub-týmů) a uvítáme v této soutěži i dva nováčky: tým ProRobot a 3 roboty z ČZU. Opět máme účastníky z České republiky, Německa, Slovenska a Švýcarska. Letos výjimečně soutěž není určena pro veřejnost. (Akce zrušena)

Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2020 will be the same as previous year. Besides a short hardware/software description we also require a YouTube video, that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration deadline is 31st of July 2020.


The rules are the same as last year. They are available on GitHub with tag ROBOTOUR2019RC1: English. and Czech Due to no general public restriction we decided to only once (i.e. only for year 2020!) allow drones (height fly limit 4 meters above the ground, i.e. below the size of nearby trees), combustion motors and remove weight limit for the robots. Nevertheless the team still have to be capable to remove the robot from contest area.


The contest will take place in area defined by OSM way #52614369.
old satelite image with labels (*)
old satelite image with labels (*)
aerial image took tens of years ago (**)
aerial image took tens of years ago (**)

If you would like to somehow support this contest or you have some comments/question, please use our standard contact form.

(*) The pictures are taken from article
(**) Source of aerial image and history of base: