You can find sources here (data, example code, logs, …) for the Robotour 2006 competition.
NMEA-0183 Stromovka
stromovka-060615-2015.nmea (123kB) — NMEA file of one potential route. The
route corresponds to the attached picture:
path.avi (1.7MB) — video taken with a digital camera — collection of measurements 29-6-2006
Note: how to decode NEMA-0183 can be found in Průvodce >> GPS.
bool isChecksumValid(char *ptr)
if(*ptr++ != '$')
return false;
char sum = 0;
for( ; *ptr != '*' && *ptr != '\0'; ptr)
sum ^= *ptr;
if(*ptr != '*')
return false;
if(strlen(ptr) < 2)
return false;
int check;
if(sscanf(ptr, "%02X", &check) != 1)
return false;
return ((unsigned char)sum == check);
Map of Stromovka
Road Definition Network File (RNDF)
Lengths of segments (calculation based on RNDF)
A: 76m, B: 57m, C: 50m, D: 38m, E: 34m, F: 39m, G: 118m, H: 91m, I: 121m,
J: 126 m, L: 268m, M: 85m, N: 261m, O: 32m, P: 136m, Q: 159m, R: 76m, S: 189m,
T: 47m, U: 91m, V: 57m, W: 65m